For Optimal Wellness Apply a Pro-Active Approach with These Tips

I get frustrated sometimes when people want  instant results from working out and eating right. Wellness doesn’t just happen overnight – you  have to work at it over time. It requires that you take a pro-active approach to health on a consistent basis. Eating nutritiously, exercising regularly, sleeping adequately all necessitate forethought, planning and follow-through. Here are some tips to help you:

Tips for Pro-Active Eating

– Pack a nutritious, energizing lunch (and snacks) for work.

– Keep healthful snacks and bottled water in a cooler in your car (small bags of unsalted almonds or walnuts); hardboiled eggs; apples).

-look up restaurant menus on-line before dining out so you can plan the most healthful choice ahead of time.

-Shop for groceries on a full stomach and don’t bring anything home that you can’t eat just one or two of.

Tips for Pro-Active Exercising

-If you exercise in the morning, lay out your gym clothes the night before.

-If you exercise after work, don’t go home first. Head for a track, a gym, a park and keep your exercise clothes and shoes and a yoga mat in your car at all times.

-Keep your Ipod or other MP3 player with you so that you always have fun, upbeat, motivating music to exercise to.

-Schedule exercise sessions into your daily calendar and program alarms to remind you in your smartphone.

-Make dates in advance to workout with friends or socialize doing a physical activity you enjoy. Bowling, ice skating, even miniature golf or bocce ball will get you moving and having fun in a social setting.

Tips for Pro-Active Sleeping

– Avoid caffeine more than 6 hours before retiring.

– Use a sleep mask to shut out as much light as possible.

– Turn off all electronics at least an hour before sleeping.

-Don’t exercise less than 2 hours before sleeping.

Commit to a healthful lifestyle with pro-active rather than re-active in your approach and wellness will be yours.

Be Well,



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